Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another Blog???

Okay, I realize that all of you are thinking, "But she NEVER posts on this one! How can she expect to stay up on two blogs?" That's a very good question, and it deserves an answer. So here it is: there are two reasons. Number one, I'm creating a system for my blogs. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on my other blog, Saturdays and maybe Thursdays on this one. Number two, Benjamin's going to be working on my new blog with me. Yay! I will now have a partner in crime....just kidding.
Here's the new blog address:
The website that goes with this blog will be coming out soon, Lord willing!
I'll post on Saturday with another book review. I'm sure you're sick of all the books...but please bear with me. I shall have some new, much more interestings posts (both on here and on my new blog) very soon!
Do visit my new blog, become a follower or follow by email, and please, please, PLEASE comment, either on this blog or the new one. Also, please forward the web address to your friends, especially those with small children.

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